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  • Writer's pictureGeorgia Vlahos

Lion's Gate/New Moon Meditation

The following is a transcript of my New Moon/Lion's Gate Portal meditation and information about the current Mercury Retrograde.

I'd love to hear back about your experiences with this meditation. You can reach me through my website,

To see the video, go to:


Welcome to our weekly recorded meditation/prayer. We will be working on inner peace in the month of August. Many paths to inner peace will be contemplated.  Having prosperity and abundance is one path, but certainly not the only path!

There are some very intense Astrological transits that help us to create abundance in many areas of our lives.  Be aware, abundance is not just money; it’s friendships, love, a happy home, creativity…

These two transits will help us to achieve our goals.  One transit will cause a bit of chaos!

The Lion’s Gate Portal opened on July 28 and will come into highest potency on August 8.  The Sun is in Leo, the sign of creativity, children, gambling, luck, love affairs and personal power.  This Portal dates to ancient Egypt. The fixed star Sirius, AKA our “Spiritual Sun” is closest to the earth and aligns to the Great Pyramid.  It corresponded to the flooding of the Nile River and brought fertility and abundance of life enabling crops. For us in the modern day, this opening portal will bring possibilities beyond our current beliefs, abundance and creativity. 

The Portal date, 8/8/2024 corresponds to the number 8 in numerology.  2024 breaks down to an 8, so 8/8/8.  The number 8 indicates the balance between the spiritual world and the material one.  It represents prosperity and financial success.

The New Moon on August 4/5 depending on where you live, is in the sign of the Sun, in Leo.  A New Moon is a waxing Moon, meaning that each day after it gets a little more visible.  Waxing Moons are the time to bring in that which you wish to manifest.  Leo is self-expression, creativity, love affairs, luck, children, leadership and personal power.

This is a time of powerful manifestation, so be sure to set your intentions.

Of course there is always a wrench thrown into any good news.  And that is Mercury Retrograde on August 4. Mercury Retrograde is a time to take another look at things that you thought you put to rest in the past. It will begin in Virgo and end in Leo. In Virgo, may be called on to take another look at our health, habits, daily tasks, routines, service to others. Virgo, ruled by the planet Mercury, rules communication, so be very careful with any kind of communication. In Leo, you may decide to write the book you've been thinking about, rethink your ego, your relationship with your kids or decide to take or leave a position of leadership. Double check everything.  And you might expect your computer to go haywire!

Don’t start new projects during this time.  It also may be a time when lost people come back to you.

Gather some crystals and a green candle to start your meditation.  Suggested crystals are Citrine (for the Sun and prosperity), Moonstone (for the Moon and the feminine)  and Clear Quartz (for clarity). You might even want to do this meditation outdoors. To find the fixed star Sirius, look for the constellation Orion, and follow his left foot down toward the horizon.  There will be a very bright star there, and this is Sirius.

Let’s start our meditation.

Center yourself.

Ground yourself.

Relax and focus on your breath for a minute or so.

Think of the vastness and limitlessness of space during the darkness of the New Moon when the stars twinkle brightly.  Press your feet into the earth and ground yourself into her nurturing energy.

Feel your body, mind and spirit expand into the vastness of space.  Know that you are limitless and can manifest anything you want. 

Take a moment and thing about what you want to manifest.  Imagine it coming into being, seeing yourself basking in its glow.

Repeat to yourself:

I honor new beginnings

All that I need comes to me

I am powerful

I am peaceful

I am abundant in all areas of my life

I am ready and open to new possibilities

I am ready for major shifts

I am bountiful

I am blissful

I am creative

I am fully aligned with the Lion’s Gate Portal

And so it is.


We seek to unite with like minded people, to create an exponentially growing grid of people to cover the entire planet in love, Light and healing energy, and spread peace and love over the planet.

We call on Archangel Michael, St. Germain Jesus, Kwan Yin and all Ascended Masters and Archangels to assist in our efforts.

Please fight for us and for the future of planet Earth.  Help to make it a planet of love, spiritual growth and mutual goodwill.  Help to share the resources of this beautiful planet with all beings and to bless and to protect all the trees, animals, land, insects, oceans and mountains.

May the wounds of the oppressors be healed

May peace flow into their hearts

May love fill their souls

Neutralize the judgment and hatred that engulfs their beings

We ask for healing for those who seek to destroy.

We ask that all beings live by the Golden Rule which is basic to all earthly religions, “Do unto others as you would have done to yourself”

Ease the conflicts and power grabs and materialistic selfishness that numbs the hearts of many humans.  Fill the void with love and healing.

Bring peace to the United States and the planet Earth.

And so it is.

Feedback welcomed!

Copyright 2024 Georgia Vlahos.

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